Detroit College Promise

About the Detroit College Promise
We know that without scholarship funds, many DSPCD students could not afford to attend their Michigan higher education institution of choice. The Detroit College Promise scholarship was created to offset students’ education-related expenses, including tuition, books, housing, meal plans and/or technology essentials. Your help is critical, as the Detroit College Promise fund is entirely donation based.
“The money helped with my tuition as I don’t qualify for any financial aid and it took pressure off how I was going to pay for school.”
– 2017 Scholar, WCCCD
“Thanks to the DCP I was less worried about how I would pay for books.”
– 2018 Scholar, EMU
Housing and Meal Plan
“My housing was super expensive with the meal plan and I wouldn’t have been able to pay that off if it weren’t for the scholarship.”
– 2017 Scholar, WSU
“The DCP was extremely helpful because it was an honor receiving the scholarship and I didn’t have the money.”
– 2018 Scholar, MSU
The Detroit Public Schools Foundation (DPSF) is so very grateful to our current and past donors of the Detroit College Promise Scholarship Program. We are privileged to carry on the work of former board member Dr. Nat Pernick and his staff. Since 2015, the Detroit Public Schools Foundation has awarded over $134k in scholarships. These students are studying in our higher education institutions across the state preparing to be our future educators, lawyers, artists, doctors, entrepreneurs, and community leaders. Scholarship awards are based upon DPSF’s cultivation and stewardship of donors specifically for this program on an annual basis.
Students awarded the Detroit College Promise Scholarship have met the following requirements, not limited to:
- Attended a DPSCD high school for 4-years
- Earned a minimum of a 2.5 GPA
- Accepted to, and attending a Michigan 2-year, or 4-year higher education institution
Your generous support makes this program possible. We want to encourage your continued investment in DPSCD students as these resources support tuition, books, housing, meal plans, and technology essentials.