Ensuring DPS students are offered the best education possible
The Detroit Public Schools Foundation’s (DPSF) mission is to create and enhance educational opportunities for Detroit Public Schools Community District’s (DPSCD) students, families and educators. Our vision is that every DPSCD student will receive the support needed for college and career readiness and we are dedicated and committed to bringing needed resources to DPSCD. During 2020-2021, we raised over $6,700,000 which provided our students with new technology, scholarships, state-of-the-art resources, career exploration and readiness programs, and access to other opportunities. The DPSF executes fiduciary management of donations, leverages partnerships and resources, provides administrative management and fiscal and programmatic oversight.
The Foundation provides students with the tools required for success inside and outside the classroom. We believe that by investing in these future leaders, we also strengthen families and our communities. We accomplish this by investing in 4 primary areas: Literacy and Early Childhood Education; STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math); Career Pathways—college and career readiness; and Experiences Beyond the Classroom. We are committed to supporting these strategic priorities and helping thousands of DPSCD students and teachers annually.
Currently, the DPS Foundation manages 81 open grants totaling $18,800,000 across DPSCD on behalf of students, families and educators.