What is the distinction between the Detroit Public Schools Community District and the Detroit Public Schools Foundation?
DPSCD is the city-wide school district which encompasses Detroit’s public schools, as well as some charter schools. The DPS Foundation is an independent non-profit organization that is separate from DPSCD and dedicated to supporting DPSCDt students. Our mission is to create and enhance educational opportunities for DPSCD students, families, and educators. We raise money and then award grants to DPSCD schools and non-profit organizations that provide programming to DPSCD students.
I was looking for the Detroit Public Schools Community District website but only came across the DPS Foundation’s website. Are they the same organization?
No. DPSCD is a separate entity from the DPS Foundation. The DPSCD website address is www.detroitk12.org and its general phone number is (313) 240-4377.
How long has the DPS Foundation been operational and what is its staff size?
The DPS Foundation was incorporated in 2002 and became operational in 2009. We currently have 6 full-time staff members.
Where does the DPS Foundation get its funding?
The DPS Foundation raises funds from a variety of sources, including grants from local and national philanthropic and corporate foundations; sponsorships; and cash donations from businesses, non-profit organizations, and individuals. Like most non-profit organizations, the DPS Foundation has no guaranteed sources of revenue and so we must fundraise on a continuous basis.
What are the benefits of supporting DPSCD through a donation to the DPS Foundation?
The DPS Foundation prides itself on utilizing donated funds efficiently and effectively. We work closely with DPSCD to identify student needs and support programs that address those needs. As discussed below, donor-restricted funds are applied as requested by the donor. Every program funded by the DPS Foundation is evaluated to assess its success in achieving approved goals and delivering expected outcomes. Every recipient of a grant from the DPS Foundation must account for all grant funds and must provide documentation that the funds were spent for the approved purpose(s). To the extent permitted by law, donations to the DPS Foundation are tax-deductible.
Does the DPS Foundation accept in-kind, i.e. non-cash, donations?
No. Only DPSCD can accept in-kind donations.
I want to make a donation for a particular purpose, e.g. to support DPSCD music programs or to benefit a specific DPSCD school. If I make the donation to the DPS Foundation, will my wishes be honored?
Yes. The DPS Foundation ensures that every donation restricted for a specific purpose or school complies with the donor’s intent.
How much money does the DPS Foundation award annually?
In the last four years the DPS Foundation has awarded an average of $2.5-3 million in grants each year.
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If you are interested in volunteering, send an email to info@dpsfdn.org. Please type “DPS Foundation Volunteer” in the subject line and describe how you want to support the DPS Foundation.