Feb 28, 2013Newsletters

One of the DPS Foundation’s STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) funding priorities, The Future City Competition challenges students work together in teams to imagine, design and build scale model of a city of the future with recycled materials, promoting technological literacy and engineering with a hands-on, real-world application of math, science and engineering for sixth, seventh and eighth grade students. The Michigan Regional Future City Competition is part of a national program sponsored by the National Engineers Week Committee and coordinated by the Engineering Society of Detroit.

A special congratulations and recognition goes to the following teams who received awards for their participation this year:

  • Clippert Academy, Team One: Best Planning & Resourceful Thinking Award
  • Clippert Academy, Team Two: Best Futuristic Transportation Award
  • Clippert Academy, Team Three: Best Land Surveying Practices Award
  • Golightly Education Center: Most Creative Use of Materials Award and Most Healthy Community Award

To read more in our February Newsletter click here (PDF)