Alumni Registration Form

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Alumni Spotlight

Celebrating Black History Month – Dr. Glenda Price

[column type="1/2"]Historians tell us that the most important reason to study history is to learn from it. Other social scientists remind us that knowing the stories of our forbearers is a source of pride and inspiration. Thus, celebrating Black History Month, and...

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Allee Willis Loves Detroit – February Blog

I went to Schulze elementary and Mumford and loved them both and remember being very proud that's where I went to school. As a kid, I always thought I would be a veterinarian.  But then when I was in the 11th grade, my English teacher, Mr. Hill I think, started...

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Goodbye January…Hello February!

"As we leave behind a very cold and snowy January, we look forward to the month of February with some particularly unique holidays. In my home state of Pennsylvania, Groundhog Day is a special day. We monitor the weather to see if Punxsutawney Phil will see his...

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Happy New Year From The Detroit Public Schools Foundation

"As with the birth of every child, each new year encourages us to think of endless possibilities. We dream of the future and give voice to our hopes. We rejoice in the possibilities that lie ahead." To read more in our January 2014 newsletter click here

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