Camp Burt Shurly Partnership

Aug 3, 2015Fundraising Events, News

Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries is excited to partner with Detroit Public Schools in the Camp Burt Shurly experience. The opportunity for DPS students to attend this beautiful six-day program is full of fun and learning, but it also engenders skills and character traits that launch students towards adulthood. It helps prepare students to be capable of achieving in the rapidly changing world.

The Partnership for 21st Century Skills ( is an initiative of some major companies that includes Apple, Cisco, Ford and Intel. P21 defined the centerpiece of “success skills” as the learning and innovation proficiencies they call the 4C’s: critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity. Summer camp is a place where these skills are developed intentionally…throughout each activity everyday! Everything about camp, from fun activities to outdoor play to friendship to community helps children build relationships, solve problems, resolve conflicts and develop creative solutions together. At Camp Burt Shurly, we combine this magic that occurs at camp with solid hands-on learning taught by talented DPS teachers. These all-star teachers take their skills out of the classroom and utilize the beautiful nature surrounding us at CBS as their laboratory, giving each student an immersive educational experience.

 “We are thankful to all who have contributed to make this vital summer camp experience available to the students of Detroit Public Schools.” – David Long Executive Director