Foundation’s Mission Expansion To Help Students In New EAA

Last October, we announced that we had expanded the Foundation’s mission to include the support of successful programs that benefit students not only in DPS schools, but also in the State of Michigan’s new Educational Achievement Authority (EAA) and in the schools...

A New Foundation Connection For DPS Alumni

It’s always a wonderful thing to be able to announce growth as the Foundation advances its mission. This time, our team has growth with the addition of a new member – Erica Raglin, who is stepping into the newly created role of Alumni Development Specialist. We...

Generosity From Many Places Helps Detroit Students

As we get closer to spring, an effort from last summer is providing a ray of sunshine here at the Foundation. In late August, families in the Birmingham School District came together to support education by creating “The World’s Longest Lemonade Stand.” On the weekend...

Arts Investment Is Community Investment

It’s not often enough that reading the news can put a smile on your face. But, when I saw the results of a new study, it was easy for me to smile. ArtServe Michigan recently released a study that detailed the return on investment for arts and culture in the state. The...

New Gift Honors the Legacy of a Detroit Education Leader

Based on my experience, one of the most rewarding aspects of a career in philanthropy is seeing a legacy live through gifts that reflect an individual’s life. I want to share a new example of that with you. One of the individuals who was instrumental to the founding...

Foundation Puts Students in the Auto Show Driver’s Seat

At the start of the New Year, our region puts its focus on the event that allows Detroit to shine in the world’s spotlight – the North American International Auto Show. This year, for the first time, our Foundation is providing one-of-a-kind access to the show for...