What is the essence of the Supreme Teaching?

[success_box] “A monk once asked Zen Master Yun-men, “What is the essence of the Supreme Teaching?” Yun-men said “When the spring comes the grass grows by itself.” *[/success_box] With the coming of spring, we are excited about the opportunities that come with longer...

Fond Memories by Patrice L. Green

[column type=”1/4″] [/column] [column type=”3/4″ last=”true”] I attended McDowell Elementary, Beaubien Junior High and Cass Tech.  I remember being very proud about attending these schools, because they were known for their rigorous...

Extraordinary Women

March is the month when we focus on the amazing women who have helped to shape our culture and our society. We celebrate and applaud those who have accomplished extraordinary success or participated in activities that changed the nation. Those women who were “firsts”...

Celebrating Black History Month – Dr. Glenda Price

[column type=”1/2″]Historians tell us that the most important reason to study history is to learn from it. Other social scientists remind us that knowing the stories of our forbearers is a source of pride and inspiration. Thus, celebrating Black History...

Allee Willis Loves Detroit – February Blog

I went to Schulze elementary and Mumford and loved them both and remember being very proud that’s where I went to school. As a kid, I always thought I would be a veterinarian.  But then when I was in the 11th grade, my English teacher, Mr. Hill I think, started...