We Begin Again

The beginning of each new school year is a time of excitement, hope, and opportunity – It is a time for meeting new people and renewing old friendships. It is a time of anxiety as we face the unknown yet we do so with great anticipation for growth and development in...

Participate in DPSF Survey for a chance to win $25 Meijer gift card

Please participate in our survey by clicking on the following link.  It is a short 10 question survey.  You will remain anonymous unless you choose to participate in a drawing for a chance to win a $25 Meijer gift card.  The survey will only accept the first 100...

Educational Benefits of Summer

Many times we think of the summer as a period away from school and formal study, without considering the other benefits that children receive during the days when the school doors are closed. Yet we know that exploring our world has significant educational benefit...

Board Adopts New Mission Statement

In its constant quest to communicate effectively with the public, operate efficiently, and create and enhance educational opportunities for DPS students, the Foundation’s Board of Directors, with the assistance of the Foundation’s Development Committee, has adopted...

Foundation Awards Nearly $450,000 in Grants

The DPS Foundation conducts three funding cycles each year. The latest cycle, for programs and activities conducted over the summer months and the first three months of the school year, concluded with 15 awards totaling nearly $450,000 to Detroit Public Schools and...

Remembering C. David Campbell – McGregor Fund

  [column type=”1/3″] [/column] [column type=”2/3″ last=”true”] Along with many others in the philanthropic community, the board and staff of the Detroit Public Schools Foundation are saddened by the death of C. David Campbell....