Champions of Education

Oct 3, 2014Events, Fundraising Events, News

In a few days the Foundation will be celebrating our five year anniversary, and recognizing five special donors. We are excited about the opportunity to publicly thank our donors and tell the world of the ways in which they have made significant contributions to the education of DPS students.

Anniversaries and birthdays are special events. They are a moment of celebration, a time to congratulate, to say “well done”, and to look to the future. At our event on October 10th the DPS Foundation will celebrate Glenda Price’s 75th birthday in addition to our anniversary. Our donors, the foundation itself, and Dr. Price are all Champions of Education.

This evening is your opportunity to join the celebration and support our students. Your  participation is welcome with the purchase a $75 ticket. If you are not able to be present, please consider a donation in any multiple of $5 or $75. Click on the donate now button to make a donation today.  It will be greatly appreciated.