Multiple speakers at the Detroit Policy Conference, sponsored by the Detroit Regional Chamber, spoke about opportunity, sustainability, entrepreneurship, empowerment, and building for the future. They talked about the stabilization and revitalization of the city. They focused on the need for Detroit residents to be the drivers of shaping the communities where people want to live, work, and play. They also reminded the audience that post-secondary education is central to establishing a positive future for everyone.
One avenue for ensuring a well educated citizenry, is the Detroit College Promise. The Promise provides funding support for every DPS graduate who enrolls in a college or university. The level of that funding varies from year to year depending upon the dollars available in the fund. Those dollars are donated by those who care about the city, the students, and the future.
With the support of two University of Michigan, School of Social Work interns, the Foundation has received more than 1000 applications from DPS seniors. To offer these students a meaningful grant-in-aide, we need your contributions. These students are those who will build the future. We need them to be well educated if we are all to have a bright future. Please help us to help them. Donate today.
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