POSITION TITLE: Director of Programs (Full Time w/Benefits)
SUMMARY OF RESPONSIBILITIES: The Director of Programs’ responsibilities will include managing overall program grant efforts, working closely with the finance team to track grant payments and expenditures, optimizing the grant administration process, preparing progress and final reports for funders, ensuring compliance with grant regulations, reviewing cycle grant proposals, managing grant databases, and engaging with donor agencies. Works in partnership with third party evaluators to measure program outcomes.
- Serve as primary liaison with grantees and partners
- Maintain and track all program grants, scholarships, and special projects
- Work closely with DPSCD project leads to ensure program implementation, compliance, and objectives are being met on a timely basis
- Prepare detailed interim and final reports to funders and President and CEO on evaluation findings, site visits, DPSCD integration, data, outcomes, and impact (oral and written)
- Work with staff to develop success stories to share with funders and on social media platforms
- Generate and distribute grant award letters to appropriate parties
- Communicate with grantees and funders on reporting requirements, deliverables and timelines
- Manage relationships with relevant stakeholders (i.e. principals, teachers, district staff, external partners, and funders)
- Conduct regular site visits to monitor program progress and activities (local travel required)
- Monitor paperwork and other related documents connected with grant-funded programs
- Actively participate in the reviewing and selection process of awarding cycle grants.
- Manage program/project timelines and deliverables
- Knowledge of donor agencies
- Bachelor’s degree required and 5+ years relevant experience
- Nonprofit program experience required
- Possess managerial skills (technical, conceptual, interpersonal, communication, organization, and decision-making)
- Excellent oral and written communication skills
- Computer literacy and proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite 365, Adobe Acrobat, and other online portals and platforms (i.e. Fluxx, Cyber Grants, and Constant Contact)
- Ability to professionally interact with a wide range of individuals including key stakeholders, vendors, students, educators and parents.
- Ability to multi-task and problem solve
Download the job description here:
[x_button shape=”square” size=”large” float=”none” block=”true” href=”https://www.dpsfdn.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Director-of-Programs-8.12.2021.pdf” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover”]Director of Programs Job Description[/x_button]
To Apply:
To apply, please email your cover letter and resume to info@dpsfdn.org