Magnificent Moments In May

May 2, 2014Newsletters, Uncategorized

Celebrations and days of remembrance are important in our lives. They offer an opportunity to remember, to honor, to thank, and to reward. Special days give meaning to those relationships which we wish to acknowledge and strengthen. This newsletter is filled with information about special days in May that we believe are worthy of note. Our special blog this month features a commentary from Ray Lozano on Cinco de Mayo.  In addition to these particular days and events, May calls upon us to give thanks to those whose lives are dedicated to the children in our schools.

May 6th is NATIONAL TEACHERS DAY. The DPS Foundation honors their commitment to the children they serve. Without them our children would not learn. These teachers deserve our thanks.

May 7th is SCHOOL NURSES DAY. We recognize the invaluable contributions these professionals make to the teaching and learning process. Our children must be healthy in mind and body to reach their full potential. School nurses work each day to ensure that healthy bodies come to the classroom.

May 11th  is one of the most important days of celebration in the month. MOTHER’S DAY is the time that we remember and honor the women who make sacrifices for their children. We recognize that mothers are the first teachers. They are the first nurses. They are the ones that we turn to when we are concerned about a child. For their caring and contributions to our schools and our work, we thank and honor them.

The month of May is a period of seasonal transition. It is a time of environmental renewal. It is a time for hope and anticipation. It is a time to be grateful for the many ways in which we come together to build a community of learners for the benefit of our community.