For the fifth year, the American Heart Association is offering the ONE BOLD GIRL, ONE BOLD THOUGHT Scholarship Contest open to 11th Grade DPSCD female students. Two scholarships will be awarded: $2,000 to the winner and $1,000 to the runner-up. Students will present a bold idea that could change the culture of health in Detroit. Essay topics should relate to the work of the American Heart Association such as Healthy Food Access in Detroit, Improving Quality of Life in Detroit, Making the Healthy Choice the Easy Choice, Addressing inequities in access and quality of care.
Scholarship Criteria: open to 11th grade DPSCD female students only; Minimum 2.5 GPA.; November 2021 report card must be submitted with essay. The cover sheet should include essay title, applicant’s name, contact phone number, email address, DPSCD high school and school counselor’s name. Essay should be 12-point font, double-spaced, and no longer than 2 pages in length. Finalists will be asked to submit a video presentation. The winners will participate in the following–Personalized Public Speaking Coaching and the presentation of their essay at the Detroit Go Red for Women Luncheon Experience on Friday, February 25, 2022. Essays and applications are due to by February 1st, 2022. Spread the word!!!!!