
Sep 1, 2015Blogs, Message from Dr. Price, Newsletters

This is a great time to be in Detroit. There are many new opportunities emerging for entertainment, housing, social engagement, and employment. Young professionals are bringing new energy, ideas, and partnerships to the community. Students see large numbers of young entrepreneurs who are models of success. Options are continuing to evolve for social and economic advancement. The future looks bright.

While it is true that there are brighter days ahead for the city, it is not clear that the benefits of this renaissance will benefit all Detroiters. Unless and until our schools experience their own renaissance, many young people will not have the knowledge, skills, and aptitude necessary to be competitive in this rapidly changing environment.

I know how important my own education has been in shaping my life. The solid foundation that I received in elementary and high school provided the framework for my university and law school education. Each phase was built upon the preceding experience. Every field trip, class project, guest speaker, assembly program, teacher explanation, homework assignment, etc. offered an opening for new perspectives and a broadening world view. The joy that I had in learning is the wish that I have for every student. My service on the DPS Foundation Board of Directors makes it possible for me to contribute to shaping the education of so many DPS students. The kind of education that I experienced can be a reality for all students. I am so happy to be able to be a part of creating these holistic educational opportunities for our students.

Tammy Klugh