Through the winter has been relatively mild, we anxiously look forward to spring and summer. We welcome the new growth of flowers, the longer, sunny days, and the outdoor activities that are so enjoyable. Thus, we look forward to another season of opportunity for DPS students to experience Camp Burt Shurly.
Summer camp is about enjoying nature, group sports, getting away, and taking one more step toward independence. It is also about learning, observing, experiencing, and trying the programmatic activities at Camp Burt Shurly are equivalent to those that are offered at exclusive, expensive, private camps, yet DPS students attend for free.
If you want to help ensure an amazing experience for our students, there are two ways that you can do so:
First, volunteer to join us at the camp on Saturday, May 14 for a cleanup, fix up day. This is a fun, volunteer activity that will help to reduce the cost of getting the camp ready. It is also a time when high school and college students in need of service learning hours can earn them. If you wish to volunteer please send your name and contact information to us at and we will contact you with more detailed information.
Secondly, if you are unable to volunteer, you can send a donation to the Foundation to assist with incidental costs for the students. We want to ensure that every student has the opportunity to participate, even if he or she cannot afford a sleeping bag, or bathing suit, cosmetics, or camp store monies. Your donation will make the difference for a young person in his or her ability to have a transformative week at the camp. Please go to our website to donate.