We are #25!! This national study of the education foundations representing the 100 largest school districts in the nation, ranked the Detroit Public Schools Foundation 25th. The study looked at monies raised, average dollars awarded per student in the district, overhead costs, and sustainability. Our board and staff are proud of this accomplishment in just five years of operation.
Like other K-12 education foundations, the DPS Foundation enhances our schools in vital ways. We support teachers and students through grants for professional development, in school resources such as art supplies, lab equipment, field trip expenses, competition registration fees, and many other areas of need. All of our efforts are targeted toward improving student performance.
The purpose of this study is to advocate the importance of K-12 education foundations, while recognizing those that do it best. The study acknowledges the importance of the foundation’s contribution to enhancing public education in Detroit and across the nation. The study urges the community to learn about the work of their local foundation, and to enhance that work by “viewing the K-12 education foundation as a top organizational asset that can be grown and leveraged to achieve the district’s strategic goals”. With your help we can do much more.