[column type=”1/3″] [/column] [column type=”2/3″ last=”true”] Every month of the year has special days and unique significance. However in many ways June is a particularly special month. June brings us the longest day of the year with respect to sunlight, it is bridal month for many, graduations abound, and we celebrate our flag and the fathers in our lives. June also marks the end of the academic year and thus provides an opportunity to assess how we have moved forward in the accomplishment of our mission. [/column] [clear]
One of the things that make this June bittersweet, is the transition of the Grow Up Great Initiative into a different form. We have been fortunate to have five years of major funding from PNC Bank to conduct a professional development program for early childhood teachers, along with support for classroom materials, out of class experiences for our youngest learners, and engagement of parents in the educational development of their children. We are grateful for the partnership that we have had with PNC staff in helping to ensure that our young people truly have the opportunity to grow up great. Over the next year we will continue to receive support from PNC, as we carry forward important aspects of this initiative with funding from the Kellogg Foundation.
June also kicks off camping season. Camp Burt Shurly will open to students with new camp leadership and enhanced programs. The Foundation is pleased to have played a role in shaping the future of this facility and its ability to engage young people in life altering outdoor experiences. We are grateful for those who have contributed to the camp fund and encourage everyone to consider sending a donation to further the upgrade and experiences offered to our campers.
While we bring this school year to a close, we are reminded that the work does not end. Summer projects get underway, planning for the next year begins, vacations are enjoyed, and a sense of satisfaction of important work accomplished, encourages us to continue to seek ways to meet the educational needs of all Detroit Public Schools students. It also is the perfect time to say THANK YOU to everyone who has contributed to our work this school year. We could not meet our goals without your support.