Thank Your For A Great Year

Jun 30, 2015Newsletters

The 2014-15 school year has come to a close and the DPS Foundation is pleased to have had an opportunity to play a role in the education of thousands of DPS students. We supported field trips to the circus, purchased musical instruments and science equipment for several schools, supported school gardens, funded school choirs, provided transportation to multiple field trips, and many more in-class and out-of-school activities. Our priorities of early childhood education, the fine and performing arts, STEM, and out-of-class activities guided our work, but our support was not restricted to these areas. Sports, teacher professional development, technology, and other infrastructure enhancements contributed to the district’s ability to deliver a holistic education to the students.

Though the academic year has come to an end, the Foundation’s support goes on. We look forward to learning of the many exciting and educational experiences that students will have as they participate in the summer programs that we support. DPS students will receive scholarships to participate in the AVANTI summer music camp. Other students will enjoy swimming and fun activities in camp programs conducted in association with UAW-Ford. Still others will travel to Camp Burt Shurly where they will challenge themselves on a climbing wall, propel themselves into the lake, swim, read, and learn together as they develop skills of self awareness, self confidence, teamwork, and leadership. Those students who are oriented toward science and engineering will have an opportunity to create, present, and innovate in the SEEK camp held in conjunction with the Black Engineering Society.

As we prepare for the next school year, we thank all of those who assisted us this year in making these opportunities available to the students and teachers. We ask for your continuing support so that next year will be even better. Our students need us, and they deserve to have the best that we can offer.