The DPS Foundation is accepting online donations for the DPS All-City High School Marching Band and Reading Corps

Feb 12, 2010News

Steven Wasko/Jennifer Mrozowski, Detroit Public Schools

The Detroit Public Schools Foundation is now accepting online donations for the DPS All-City High School Marching Band and the DPS Reading Corps, an initiative to tutor children in reading and help reach DPS’ goal to have every third-grader read at grade level or above by 2015.

The Foundation has already received several contributions by check in support for the Marching Band and Reading Corps.

“We are grateful and encouraged by the support so far, and welcome others who wish to contribute,” said Chacona Johnson, President & CEO of the Foundation.

Those who wish to contribute to these initiatives may send checks payable to the Detroit Public Schools Foundation, 18th Floor, Fisher Building, 3011 W. Grand Blvd., Detroit, MI 48202. Each check should identify the initiative being supported. In addition, donors may contribute online at

Detroit Public Schools’ Emergency Financial Manager, Robert Bobb, recently announced that the district will revive the Detroit Public Schools All City High School Marching Band, which has been defunct due to lack of district funds.

Bobb made the announcement after learning the band’s gently-used uniforms have been packed away and stored at the district’s CDC Warehouse for several years. The Detroit Public Schools All City High School Marching Band, which had a successful launch in 2001, ceased to exist in 2004 for lack of funding.

The Pickard Family Fund has generously agreed to match dollar-for-dollar the first $25,000 donated in support of the All City High School Marching Band. In addition, Detroit Public Schools will contribute $25,000 in start-up funds for the band. Clark Hanter or Lott Hanter Cleaning and Tailoring in Detroit has volunteered to help repair and tailor the band uniforms for the All High School Marching Band. Perfect Cleaners in Detroit has generously agreed to clean the band uniforms for free.

The district is also seeking the help of others who will provide in-kind services and donations to defray start-up costs for the band and the cost of new instruments.

Bobb, in partnership with the Detroit Free Press, in December called on citizens to volunteer 100,000 hours collectively to tutor reading in DPS schools and help a child learn to read. Volunteers have exceeded Bobb’s new goal five times over. Over five years, the volunteer hours would total more than 2.75 million. To volunteer, go to or call (313) 870-KNOW — 313 870-5669.